Project: New Mountain MagazineRole: Founder, Creative Director04-02-25
New Mountain Magazine is an independent outdoor adventure publication that goes beyond the champion adventure stories that focus solely on extraordinary feats; crossing oceans the fastest or climbing mountains for the first time. Instead, New Mountain Magazine focuses on a different type of adventure, sharing author-led personal narratives, photographs and interviews of individuals finding joy in the outdoors and embracing nature in their own unique way.
Issue one out now:
Editorial design
Project: At HomeRole: Illustrator, Animator02-11-24
‘At Home’ is a splitboarding film exploring the perspectives of freeriders Henna Palosaari, Karen Ekman, and Astrid Paulsson on what defines home. Set against the stunning backdrop of Norway's Vestland, filmmaker Marius Nilsen and photographer Anki Grøthe document the trio’s journey as they challenge and support one another in the mountains, uncovering what home truly means to them.
Film graphics
Animated custom typography
Social media assets
Project: Arksen ApparelRole: Photographer10-10-24
Photos for Arksen Apparel AW24 collection, shot in Dartmoor National Park for Base Camp Studios.
Lifestyle shoot
Project: Outdoor Archive ZinesRole: Graphic Designer16-07-25
Outdoor Archive is a z-fold posterzine celebrating the legendary brands that have shaped the outdoor industry. Each issue uncovers fascinating stories behind their origins and motivations.
Personal project
3 issues!
Project: Earthbound Perspectives BookRole: Graphic Designer11-06-25
Earthbound Perspectives: A Visual Ode to Our Planet is a photo-book celebrating the true wonders of Planet Earth from above. The natural world we live in is breathtakingly beautiful, and this photo-book helps us see that by looking at Earth from a different perspective; from the International Space Station, taken by the team at NASA (Visible Earth).
However, this book is more than just a collection of photographs from space, this book is a call for action; a reminder that our planet is fragile and is in urgent need for protection and preservation.
Personal project
Editorial design
Project: Logo-FolioRole: Graphic Designer, Illustrator2024-2025
A collection of custom logo designs for a variety of clients.
Hand drawn illustrations
Custom typography
T-shirt designs
Project: Landscapes from the AtlasRole: Filmmaker02-03-24
Photo-zine and super 8 footage from a week climbing in the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco.
Super 8
Short film
Project: Pier JournalRole: Illustrator16-07-25
Contributing illustrator for Pier Journal—a quarterly magazine celebrating Dorset’s creative culture.
Hand drawn illustration
Project: Autumn RunRole: Photographer20-11-24
Autumnal photography shoot for triathlete Charley Wedderburn.
Personal Project
Flash experimentation!